
Jean-Daniel, Rinaudo


Based in: France
E-mail: jd.rinaudo@brgm.fr
Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=CRAhmswAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao


Jean-Daniel Rinaudo is a socio-economist at Brgm and a member of the PRECOS and "EAUX SOUTERRAINES" teams.

An agricultural engineer by training (Montpellier SupAgro 1994), he specialised in agricultural and natural resource economics (PhD University of Auvergne, 2000, HDR in economics University of Montpelier). Before joining Brgm, he worked for the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) in Pakistan where his research focused on the political economy of irrigation management reforms.

His current research focuses on the economic and institutional dimensions of groundwater management. Most of his research is conducted in France but he also works internationally (Morocco, Chile, Spain, California, Australia...). In his work, Jean-Daniel frequently uses deliberative workshops. He has also used stated preference methods to evaluate the benefits associated with groundwater protection.

Tools used

Social practices and perceptions , Stated Preferences , Hybrid methods

Published mainly with
Yvan Caballero 4 ; Marielle Montginoul 4 ; Cécile Hérivaux 3 ; Patrice Garin 2 ; Stéphanie Aulong 1